Gas Commission
How can we help you? The business sells and distributes natural gas to the city of Goodhue. Goodhue Gas Commission was started in 1996.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Monthly Meeting of the Goodhue Gas Commission is on the 3rd Monday of every month at 4:45 pm.
If a meeting is changed to a different date, notice will be posted at City Hall.
Sign up for Natural Gas: Service Agreement
Call 811 before you dig
One important step homeowners should always take is calling 811 at least two business days before any digging project.
You can learn more about calling 811 and why it's important in this fact sheet.
Keep your gas meter clear
Keeping your gas meter clear of ice and snow can be a challenge in Minnesota. But it's necessary to keep your gas meter working properly.
You can learn more about keeping your gas meter clear and why it's important in this fact sheet.
If you need assistance in paying your natural gas bill you can follow these links:
Three Rivers Community Action, Inc. Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
Cold Weather Rule / Shut off Protection
Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule (CWR) is a state law that protects residential utility customers from having electric or natural gas service shut off between October 1 and April 30. To protect your service from disconnection you must make and keep a payment plan that you and your utility agree on. The utility must offer a payment plan that is reasonable for your household’s financial circumstances. You can set up a CWR payment plan any time during the CWR season.
Contact Info
Goodhue Gas Commission
Kyle McKeown
Gas Manager
405 N. Broadway
Goodhue, MN 55027
Michael Brunkhorst
Gas Commission Board Member 2022 - Present
405 N. Broadway
Goodhue, MN 55027
Wayne Gadient
Gas Commission Board Member 1996 - Present
405 N. Broadway
Goodhue, MN 55027
Chris Schmit
Gas Commission Board Member 2023 – Present
405 N. Broadway
Goodhue, MN 55027

Call Before You Dig